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ORCID for Researchers: The Basics

What is ORCID?

An ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals. ORCIDs help disambiguate and identify individual researchers and their scholarly output. ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. A number of scholarly publishers have begun to require authors provide an ORCID upon submission of a publication.

Watch the video to the right to learn how to set up your ORCID.



Get Your Unique ORCID Identifier

Registration takes about 30 seconds. You will then have a unique URL to use with your research output. ORCIDs integrate with a variety of systems and are used in manuscript submission, grant application, and more.

Manage Affiliations

Allow NOAA to Manage Affiliations

The NOAA Central Library will be able to update your affiliations to ensure they are linked appropriately to NOAA organizational identifiers. Permissions may be revoked at any time by the researcher.

Update Your Profile

Update Your ORCID Profile Via Import

ORCID supports ResearcherID, Datacite, Crossref, Google Scholar, and more. Or you can manually add contact information, education, employment, research, and peer review information directly on the ORCID site.

NCL Support

Chris Stephensen: | Jen Devine: