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Reference Services

How can we help?

The NOAA Central Library provides reference services to all NOAA employees and contract employees, throughout the nation. Our librarians can provide you with quick and thorough answers to your questions. Whether you are looking for a book, article, or assistance with citation management, we can help. The best way to reach us is by emailing Our team will respond to your request within 24 hours Monday-Friday EST. Some NOAA offices, labs, and regions also have a network library, which may also provide local services.  Here are some ways our team can help you:

  • Assist in locating materials
  • Provide brief, factual answers to a question
  • Consult on research tools and resources
  • Provide instruction on using library databases
  • Provide assistance with the rare book collection
  • Connect you with other librarians and library services

Book a Reference Consultation

We understand that sometimes questions are better addressed by speaking with a librarian. Beyond our email reference, the reference team also provides virtual consultations for NOAA employees across the country. Consultations are available Tuesday and Thursdays 2-4 pm EST. If these times don't work with your schedule, we're also happy to take on consultations outside of these times - just email us at

Connect With the NOAA Central Library Reference Team

Trevor Riley

Head of Public Services


Hope Shinn

Metadata & Public Services Librarian,

Inter-Library Loan


Katie Poser

Outreach Librarian


Lisa Clarke

Reference & Outreach Librarian
