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National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

Logo of the National Environmental Satellite Date and Information Service

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Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R (GOES-R) / Geostationary Extended Observations (GEO-XO) A quarterly newsletter summarizing the accomplishments, science applications, education and outreach activities, and events related to NOAA’s current and future geostationary satellite programs. Click here to view all issues.
GSICS Quarterly GSICS Quarterly is a newsletter designed to communicate GSICS activities to all GSICS members and partners, as well as to satellite data users and policy makers Click here to view all issues.

JCSDA Quarterly Newsletter
Quarterly newsletter highlights the multi-agency research across JCSDA partners to improve the use of satellite data for analyzing and predicting the weather, the ocean, the climate and the environment.

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National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Logo of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries

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Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network Bi-annual newsletter summarizing marine mammal strandings, unusual mortality events, strandings research and workshops in Alaska. Click here to view all issues.
Catch Up on Catch Shares Our newsletter outlines available resources pertaining to the Catch Share online system, as well as other relevant fishery management issues.  Topics included in the newsletters are: community perspectives, upcoming actions, system functions, Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) data, and links to important events and websites. 

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FishNews Flagship newsletter with weekly highlights on important agency regulatory and research activities. Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Science Connect The Science Connect newsletter, last published in 2020, was distributed quarterly with alternate issues highlighting research from the East and West Coast centers and offices. Links to these and other recent protected species publications with NOAA authors are included. Click here to view past issues.
Sea Notes Sharing science highlights and research activities from NOAA's Southeast Fisheries Science Center Click here to subscribe and view past issues.

National Ocean Service (NOS)

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Coastal Communicators Coastal Communicators is a monthly newsletter for the nation’s coastal management and research reserve programs. Click here to subscribe and view past issues. 
Digital Coast Connections This newsletter is created for coastal professionals dedicated to keeping coastal communities safe and productive. Click here to subscribe and view past issues. 

Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO)

NOAA’s Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program (GOMO) supports half of the world’s ocean observing research. Ocean observations are used in climate and weather prediction models and help us understand our changing ocean and its impact on the environment.

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Marine Debris Program The NOAA Marine Debris Program is the U.S. Federal government's lead for addressing marine debris. Click here to subscribe.
Marine Debris - Great Lakes  Click here to subscribe.
Marine Debris - Mid-Atlantic Click here to subscribe.
Marine Debris - Northeast Click here to subscribe.
Marine Debris - Pacific Islands Click here to subscribe.
Marine Debris - Pacific Northwest

Click here to subscribe to the Oregon newsletter.

Click here to subscribe to the Washington newsletter.
Marine Debris Education

A quarterly newsletter highlighting marine debris lessons, events, and ideas.

Click here to subscribe.
National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) NCCOS delivers ecosystem science solutions for stewardship of the nation’s ocean and coastal resources to sustain thriving coastal communities and economies. Click here to subscribe.
Northeast Ocean Data Please join our email list to receive updates about datasets, case studies, events, and enhanced functionality on the Northeast Ocean Data Portal.
Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries publishes this newsletter to keep our colleagues, collaborators and you informed about the many activities and accomplishments that take place within our 15 national marine sanctuaries and Papahānaumokuākea and Rose Atoll marine national monuments. Click here to subscribe and view all issues.
Office of Response and Restoration Our monthly newsletter features blogs, articles, training opportunities, and more. Whether you're a member of the response community, or just a private citizen looking to stay informed, you can subscribe to our newsletter. Click here to subscribe.
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Volunteers

The mission of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is to conserve, protect, and enhance the biological diversity, ecological integrity, and cultural legacy of the sanctuary while facilitating compatible use.

To access the archives for the newsletters listed below, please contact

Stellwagen Banknotes: a periodic electronic newsletter from 2002 - 2011.

Stellwagen Bank E-Notes: a periodic electronic newsletter issued until 2020.

Stellwagen Sounding Lines: online notices from 2013 - 2020.

Click here to view the news site.
The Watch The resources and programs afforded by NOAA Planet Stewards are available to all. Through our website, program announcements, and e-newsletter — The Watch — educators can access a wide range of professional development opportunities and resources, as well as educational materials for elementary through collegiate level students. These include, but are not limited to, live and archived webinars, book club discussions, and workshops via distance learning platforms and face to face at locations across the country. Click to subscribe, access archives and more

National Weather Service (NWS)

Log of the National Weather Service

Title About How to Access
Aware Aware is published by NOAA’s National Weather Service to enhance communications between NWS and the emergency management community and other government and private sector partners as part of a WeatherReady Nation Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)

CIMMS research contributes to the NOAA mission through improvement of the observation, analysis, understanding, and prediction of weather elements and systems and climate anomalies ranging in size from cloud nuclei to multi-state areas.

Click here to access the news site.
Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) Explorer The newsletter articles reflect the work of GSL federal, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Cooperate Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), contract staff, and other partners. Click here to view all issues.
Precipitation Summary and Temperature Observations (PRESTO) Precipitation and temperature summaries for the Washington DC / Baltimore county warning area. Click here to view all issues.
The Front - Aviation Weather Safety Updates Annual newsletter with aviation weather safety tips. Click here to subscribe and view all issues.
The National Cooperative Observer The Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) is truly the Nation's weather and climate observing network of, by and for the people. More than 8,700 volunteers take observations on farms, in urban and suburban areas, National Parks, seashores, and mountaintops. The data are truly representative of where people live, work and play. Click here to subscribe and view all issues.
The Wilmington Wave You will find that the newsletters from us here at NWS Wilmington, NC, are filled with information of past weather events, local office research, work and collaboration within the community, safety weather awareness tips, a look into various services we provide, and much more! Click here to view all issues.


Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)

Title About How to Access
ARL Weekly News The Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) mission is to improve the ability of our Nation to protect human and ecosystem health and to support a vibrant economy through advanced atmospheric sciences and technologies. Click here to view the news site.
Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) Keynotes AOML is an environmental research laboratory of NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research located on Virginia Key in Miami, Florida Click here to view all issues.
Connections Connections is published quarterly by the OAR EEO/ Diversity Program Office. The purpose is to share accomplishments and to link Diversity, EEO and Science within all of the OAR laboratories and program offices.

Click here to view all issues.

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Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) As one of 16 NOAA Cooperative Institutes, CIGLR helps NOAA accomplish its goals for research and management of the Laurentian Great Lakes by leading exciting new research efforts, training the next generation of Great Lakes scientists, expanding NOAA research in the Great Lakes through our Consortium, and translating research into actionable science to meet societal needs.  Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Earth System Science & Modeling (ESSM)

Check out the ESSM Newsletter to learn about news through 2019 from the division and AC4, COM, CVP, and MAPP programs.

Click here to access the news site.
Employee Services Division

This monthly newsletter aims to provide high-level updates and announcements for each of the program areas managed through the Employee Services Division (ESD).

Click here to view all issues.
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) The GFDL Bulletin – Research Highlights from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Community. Advancing the Modeling, Understanding, and Prediction of Weather and Climate. Click here to view all issues.
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) The mission of the GLERL is to conduct scientific research on the Great Lakes and coastal ecosystems; develop and transition products and services; and share knowledge and information to advance science, service and stewardship. Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Heat Beat The Heat Beat newsletter provides information for those concerned about extreme urban heat in their communities. Subscribers will get ideas for running and publicizing heat-mapping campaigns, and learn from others about ways urban heat issues can be addressed. Click here to subscribe.
NOAA Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) & Unified Forecast System (UFS) Innovation through community: Weather touches every aspect of our lives, and the UFS and NOAA EPIC work to power the next generation of weather forecast models. This newsletter highlights achievements, innovation and success stories from the Earth modeling community. Click here to view all issues.
NOAA Research

NOAA Research enables better forecasts, earlier warnings for natural disasters, and a greater understanding of the Earth. Our role is to provide unbiased science to better manage the environment, nationally, and globally.

Click here to access the news blog.
Ocean Exploration News Ocean exploration is a dynamic and exciting field. New discoveries and explorations, advances in technology, and important findings in deep-ocean science happen every day. The items on this page capture big news in ocean exploration, not just at NOAA, but around the field. Check back regularly to stay on top of the ever-changing world of deep-ocean exploration. Click here to view the news site.
Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute The OECI mission is to explore. We strive to map and characterize the nation’s vast ocean territory, to develop and implement new technologies, and to engage future generations of ocean scientists, engineers, and stakeholders. Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Ocean nOAts

The NOAA Ocean Acidification Program (OAP) coordinates research, monitoring, and other activities to improve our understanding of how (and how fast) the chemistry of the ocean is changing, how variable that change is by region, and what impacts these changes are having on marine life, people, and the local, regional, and national economies. 

Click here to subscribe.
RISA Network News The Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program builds relationships that help local decision makers and researchers collaborate on adapting to climate change. Through regionally-focused and interdisciplinary research and engagement teams, RISA expands the Nation's capacity to adapt and become resilient to extreme weather events and climate change Click here to access the news site.
Science on a Sphere Science On a Sphere® (SOS) is a room sized, global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe. Researchers at NOAA developed SOS as an educational tool to help illustrate Earth System science to people of all ages Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Sea Grant Monthly

Sign up for the Sea Grant newsletter to receive updates and alerts about funding opportunities, stories and more

Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
This Week on Our goals are to promote public understanding of climate science and climate-related events, to make NOAA data products and services easy to access and use, to provide climate-related support to the private sector and the Nation’s economy, and to serve people making climate-related decisions with tools and resources that help them answer specific questions. Click here to subscribe and view past issues.
Weather Program Office Supporting world-class research to advance timely and accurate weather information. Click here to subscribe and view past issues.


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