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NOAA Environmental Leadership Seminar Series: Home

NOAA Environmental Leadership Seminar (NELS) Series

The NOAA-wide Environmental Leadership Seminar (NELS) Series provides examples and insight into NOAA’s leadership in environmental science, by those who lead it and make it happen. The Series invites NOAA senior leadership, Subject Matter Experts, and rising stars from throughout the agency, as well as our NOAA partners (e.g., Federal/State/Local, Industry, Academia, and others) to speak on topics relevant to NOAA’s mission. The series was established in 2019 and sponsored by the NOAA Science Council as part of the NOAA Science Seminar Series. The NELS Team schedules 9-10 webinars and 1-2 panel discussions per fiscal year. The webinars are presented online and open to the public and all NOAA staff to attend. Upcoming and past NELS webinar details are below. Webinar recordings and copies of the presentations are usually made available shortly after the seminar, and can be found under the "Past Presentations" tab below.
To request further information, to provide comments, or to suggest speakers, please contact the NELS Team by sending an email to (NELS Team: Hernan Garcia, NESDIS; Sandra Claar, NESDIS, Rob Levy, NOS, and Katie Poser, OAR).

Upcoming Presentations

Seminar Titles, Presenters, Registration



January 9th

View from the Top

Ben Friedman, J.D., NOAA Deputy Under Secretary for Operations

Watch the recording:



A Fireside Chat Conversation with NASA and NOAA Chief Scientists

Panelists: Dr. Katherine Calvin , NASA Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor; and Dr. Sarah Kapnick , NOAA Chief Scientist

Find the Q&A recording here:



Transdisciplinary USGS Earth-System Science to Support National Security 

Geoffrey S. Plumlee, Chief Scientist of the USGS

Watch the recording:




NOAA BIL-IRA investments in Equitable Climate Services and Solutions

Presenters: Jainey K. Bavishi, (NOAA Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator) and a NOAA panel: Carrie Robinson (Director, NOAA Fisheries' Office of Habitat Conservation), Joelle Gore (chief Stewardship Division, NOAA Office for Coastal Management) and Ben DeAngelo (Acting Director, NOAA OAR Climate Program Office).

Watch the recording:

Resources about NOAA Leadership

Notes: Webinar access and other details are at the NOAA Science Seminar Series website.
Most seminars will be on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Seminars are available to the Public. Webinar is available on a first come, first served basis. 

Sign language interpreting services for NOAA's Deaf and hard of hearing employees is available through NOAA Human Capital Services' Sign Language Interpreting Services Program. 

If you would like for us to request an ASL interpreter in person or via webcam for an upcoming webinar, please let us know five business days in advance. You are free to request these services on your own through the link below: