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NOAA Publications: Home

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is one of the world's premier scientific research organizations. NOAA scientists collect data and provide information to decision makers in the US and abroad. NOAA Central Library has collected NOAA publications and articles in six guides, categorizing them by line office for easy retrieval. NOAA's peer-reviewed articles from journals are included here, with NOAA publications completing the picture of NOAA research. NOAA's scientists release hundreds of publications each year, typically known as technical memoranda (tech memos) or technical reports (tech reports). These in-house publications are subject to peer-review in the same way as publications in well-known scientific journals. We invite you to choose a line office from the menu below and begin exploring the world of NOAA research.

Click here to view publications from NOAA's Cooperative institutes.

About the guides:  NOAA series from both contemporary and historic offices and labs are included in these guides. Where possible, links are provided to the series through NOAA's Institutional Repository, our agency's central location for NOAA-authored research and other federally funded research. However, in some cases and particularly for ESSA series, materials are only available in the library's catalog. Additionally, while many publications have already been digitized in PDF format, others must be obtained in print.

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)


Research areas: Environmental satellites and data stewardship

Program divisions:

Office of Satellite Ground Services

Office of Satellite and Product Operations

Center for Satellite Applications and Research

GOES-R Program Office Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program Office

Office of Projects, Planning & Analysis

National Centers for Environmental Information





National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)


Research areas: Fisheries management, marine ecology and biology, conservation, recovery, seafood safety

Program divisions:

Office of Sustainable Fisheries

Office of Protected Resource

Office of Habitat Conservation

Office of Aquaculture

Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection

Office of Law Enforcement

Office of Science and Technology

Alaska Regional Office

Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office

Pacific Islands Regional Office

Southeast Regional Office

West Coast Regional Office

Alaska Fisheries Science Center

Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Southwest Fisheries Science Center

National Weather Service (NWS)


Research areas: Forecasts and warnings; weather, water, and climate data, space weather; risk communications

Program divisions:

National Centers for Environmental Prediction

Office of Science and Technology Integration

Office of Water Prediction

Analyze, Forecast, and Support Office

Office of Observations

Alaska Region

Western Region

Pacific Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region

Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)


Research areas: Physical, geochemical, and ecological experiments; development of predictive models for weather, air quality, climate, solar, ocean, emergency management, and coastal assessments and predictions; development and deployment of observing technologies; development of weather analysis and forecast tools; science communication

Programs, Offices, Institutes, and Laboratories:

Earth System Research Laboratory

Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Global Systems Laboratory

Physical Sciences Laboratory

Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

National Severe Storms Laboratory

Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

Air Resources Laboratory

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

NOAA Cooperative Institutes

Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

Climate Program Office

Weather Program Office

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Ocean Acidification Program

National Sea Grant College Program


National Ocean Service (NOS)


Research areas: Charting; geodesy; oil and HAZMAT cleanup; wildlife conservation; resource management

Program divisions:

Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

National Geodetic Survey

Office for Coastal Management

Office of Coast Survey

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Office of Response and Restoration




Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO)


Program areas: Emergency response, support for scientific research missions

Program divisions:

NOAA Corps

Aircraft Operations Center

Marine Operations

NOAA Diving Program

NOAA Small Boat Program