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Research Services

EndNote for Research Projects

In order to ensure the research process is efficient, you will be required to download and install EndNote on your government-issued PC. EndNote will serve as the delivery mechanism for citations and full text. 

  • Put in a ticket with your IT department for EndNote installation
  • Download the EndNote installer (Product keys are also available on this page)
    • EndNote x9 is the preferred option if you will be managing a library or editing metadata
    • EndNote 20 is the most up to date version and is recommended for general users
    • You CAN have both x9 and 20 installed on the same PC (Cite While You Write will default to EN20 connection)
  • Once installed, share your library with the research librarian.
    • Email the librarian after sharing (automated EndNote emails are sometimes caught in the email filter)
  • Review relevant EndNote training videos on this page

EndNote & Citation Management Training

The NOAA Central Library maintains an enterprise-wide subscription to EndNote, which allows for use by any NOAA employee or contract employee with a email. Reference management is critical when working within a group on literature reviews or when maintaining a personal library of literature relevant to your research. To ensure you are able to effectively manage this information, our team of Librarians is able to provide one-on-one and office-wide training fit to your specific use case. Our team has extensive knowledge in building and structuring libraries for offices and working groups, and we are able to provide you with recommendations on structure, metadata, management practices, and more. Example topics include:

  • The Basics
    • Creating a library
    • Uploading PDFs & RIS
    • Organization & Navigation
    • Metadata editing
    • Updating & Cleaning references
    • Deduplication
  • Collaboration
    • Sharing a personal library 
    • Creating an office/group library
  • Converting Text-based references to a library
  • Metadata Best Practices
    • Priority metadata elements
    • Checking quality
    • Cleaning metadata
  • Advanced organization & management 
    • Custom fields
    • Smart groups
    • Advanced Deduplication
  • Advanced Office/Group Libraries
    • Best practices management
    • Establishing standard practices