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Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation: Increasing Your Impact

Increasing Your Impact & Curating Your Online Scholarly Presence

These are simple steps that you can take to help increase the impact of your scholarly publications.

1. Get your own persistent identifier. ORCIDs and ResearcherIDs are easy to set up or claim and help make it easier for others to find all of your published work. IDs can be included in publications, on CVs and in your email signature and are especially helpful for those with more common last names. The library recommends setting up both an ORCID and a ResearcherID as both have advantages; ORCIDs allow for easy inclusion of non-journal publications like grey literature and conference presentations and ResearcherID provides a set of tools to analyze impact. 

  • After you publish, claim your Google Scholar Profile and, if you publish a book or book chapter, your Amazon author profile. These profiles are typically generated automatically and it's important to claim them yourself.

2. Publish in quality sources and avoid predatory journals. It's important to publish in reputable journals that suitable for your research. Check the InCites Journal Citation Reports or ask the library about journal rankings to find the best journals in your field. It's also important to avoid predatory publishers; see our Predatory Publishing LibGuide for more information.

3. Make your manuscript easily accessible. Submitting your manuscript or Open Access article to the NOAA Institutional Repository makes your article easy for others to find and linked to other articles by you and other NOAA authors. Submitting a manuscript to the NOAA IR is a great way to make your articles accessible if your are unable to publish in an Open Access journal. Also be sure to use a consistent form of your name on all publications and link you ORCID/ResearcherID to publications.

4. Share your data and link your work. Sharing the data related to your paper may help boost citations. Data can be submitted to NCEI and then you can let the Institutional Repository team know, either when you submit your publications or at a later date, and we’ll link them to your dataset in NCEI or any other NOAA data repository.

5. Maintain your profiles. Keep publication lists and contact information up to date and, if you have multiple profiles, ensure that they contain consistent information.
