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Bibliometrics and Research Evaluation: Publication Metrics

Publication Metrics

Publication metrics are used to analyze the research output of an individual, group or institution. They can include number of publications as well as publications per:

 - Year or Quarter  - Office, lab or division
 - Journal Title  - Subject Area
 - Author  - Funding Agency
 - Type of Publication  


Number of peer-reviewed articles per Line Office as a percentage of all NOAA-authored publications. A single article with authors from more than one line office is counted as one article for each line office. Reproduced from A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles by NOAA-Affiliated Authors Published During Fiscal Year 2017.

Number of peer-reviewed NOAA-authored articles per journal. NOAA-authored articles appeared in 373 distinct journals in FY2017 however, only the top 10 journals by publication count are shown. Reproduced from A Bibliometric Analysis of Articles by NOAA-Affiliated Authors Published During Fiscal Year 2017.