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Weather and Climate Collections

Weather Bureau Topics and Personnel


Beginning with the July 1915 issue, the publication Monthly List of Changes in Personnel grew in scope to include short notes and comments designed to be helpful to station officials and the Central Office in the conduct of the Weather Bureau affairs. The Central Office believed that many experienced Weather Bureau personnel had developed simple, yet effective, workflow methods that should be shared, and this publication was to serve as a clearinghouse of ideas. Every employee was therefore invited to contribute any helpful suggestion or item of interest to be forwarded to the Chief of the Bureau for approval and publication. These notes were not intended to supersede regulations, circulars or circular letters, but instead conveyed an informal interpretation or application of the formal instructions. The publication was originally titled Weather Bureau Topics and Personnel. In 1948, it was changed to Weather Bureau Topics, and in 1962, it was renamed Topics. The July 1941 issue is also called the Fiftieth Anniversary Issue, July 1891-July 1, 1941.

Measuring Rain
Measuring Rainfall


Scope of Coverage

The NOAA Central Library maintains a collection of Weather Bureau Topics and Personnel from July 15, 1915 through August 1965.


How to locate Issues of Topics and Personnel

Select the year of the issue of Topics and Personnel that you wish to view from the menu below, then press the "View Report" button. Articles are in PDF format and require the free Adobe reader.


Select the year of the report
you wish to view.